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Wayne E. Nance, better known on radio and in the media as the “Real Life Attitude Guy,” is the well-known developer of the ABCs of getting your life under control. He is founder and CEO of Real Life Management, Inc. With his help, so far more than 50,000 struggling people have successfully improved their lives and give Wayne credit for helping them do it. Top corporations, organizations, institutions, and churches throughout the United States also use the Life Management system for the benefit of their employees and leaders.

A few years ago, at 305 pounds, an incessant smoker, $40,000 in credit card debt, and his marriage on the rocks, Wayne’s life had spiraled completely out of control. He was a card-carrying workaholic, sacrificing family for fortune. In fact, he was on the ragged edge of physical, financial, emotional, and marital disaster. And at the age of twenty-nine, his cardiologist told Wayne he would probably never see forty.

Hitting bottom for the third time, reality finally slapped Wayne in the face, making him acknowledge the truth. So he began doing extensive research on nutrition, finances, and relationships. Soon he recognized that obesity, debt, and crumbling relationships are only visible exhibits of a person’s core attitudes and beliefs. They are interrelated and emotionally driven.

For the next eight years, Wayne traveled.

Based on his research and due to changes in his core beliefs and personal habits, Wayne lost more than one hundred pounds, eliminated his financial debt, and has now been happily married to his wife, Shannon, for more than thirty-eight years.

Today, Wayne is a highly respected speaker and trainer and co-author of Mind Over Money and Liten Up for Life. He was the radio host of “The Real Life Attitude Guy” simulcast on Dallas radio 570 (Fox Network) and is currently working to launch that programming on the Web. As president and CEO of Real Life Management, Inc., Wayne’s life focus is to provide the education that has not been adequately provided by schools, churches, or families on health, finance, relationship building, and how they are related.

Wayne lives in Texas with Shannon and their three daughters, Christel, Melissa, and Kara.

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