Q. How would non-Christians benefit from reading Globequake?
A. In addition to working and teaching in churches, I am also a leadership speaker and management consultant for businesses and other institutions. I present management and employee workshops based on the principles outlined in Globequake, but without “religious-speak.” That’s because these principles are applicable everywhere. They don’t belong to any one culture, but are ancient, enduring, and relevant to all.
Q. What is your greatest hope for the book?
A. My greatest hope is that readers would see that the Kingdom of God and its eternal principles are our true and only hope midst a world in upheaval. I would hope people would grasp that biblically revealed Kingdom principles are not “religious” truth reserved for theologians and preachers, but for everyone—church leaders, parents, school administrators and teachers, politicians, corporate executives, their managers and employees. Finally, my hope is that readers will take practical steps to implement the Kingdom principles described in Globequake, and find strength and stability while the world around them is in upheaval.
Q. Is Globequake a “gloom and doom” book like so many others on the current upheaval or do you give your reader reason for hope?
A. In the introduction to the book, I wrote it was my prayer that the reader would see that the end of the journey for a person anchored in Christ is the realization and consummation of hope— no matter how hard the shaking along the route.
The joy on people whose worldview is framed by Christ as they ride the roiling tsunamis spurred by the Globequake is not because they live in denial, or simply don’t know what’s going on. They do know, at a level the rest of the world doesn’t. And in that knowledge they have found the kind of hope that gives them strength, sanity and stability in a crumbling world. Hope is being sought by all of us and just as it has been present in all of turbulences that have occurred throughout our history, it can be found in this current Globequake.